Vegan Man in a Van; Mountain Bike Road Trip to Tignes, France

I’ve been reading Sharon’s Bit of the Good Stuff blog for several years and always enjoyed the practical guidance and recipes that have helped me to follow a plant-based diet. Sharon’s blog is an inspiration, demonstrating that following a vegan diet isn’t difficult and this movement grows, it gets easier and easier to eat in this way. Once you’re in a routine, eating day-to-day is easy. We all have our tried and tested mealtime favourites. We know where we can go for vegan-friendly lunches and snacks.

I’ve found it more challenging when I step outside of this routine, perhaps working away from home or visiting new places. However, with a little extra thought and preparation, it’s not hard to overcome any potential difficulties and continue to eat healthy, plant-based food wherever you are.

Last July, I took a road trip to France with a few (non-vegan) friends and below I share a few reflections on what was a fantastic trip. The tips I offer on going on a road trip are perhaps obvious enough but, hopefully, some of these words might show how it is to maintain your plant-based diet, even when you’re the only Vegan in the Van… Continue reading “Vegan Man in a Van; Mountain Bike Road Trip to Tignes, France”

Beating the Stress and Performing at Your Best – The Benefits of Adopting a Daily Meditation Practice

There are so many benefits to adopting a daily meditation practice, and it can be especially valuable at highly pressured times in our life, such as exam time. Today, I’m delighted to welcome back my special guest blogger, Holly Ashby from Will Williams Meditation who is going to explain all.

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As we head firmly into Spring, teenagers and young people up and down the country are preparing for some pretty daunting exams. We all face moments in life where our performance is assessed and our capabilities appraised, and whether it’s in school or at work stress can get the better of us. So how do you make sure your nerves don’t become overwhelming and you have the focus, and confidence, to do the best you can?

Continue reading “Beating the Stress and Performing at Your Best – The Benefits of Adopting a Daily Meditation Practice”

How Meditation Makes Us Kinder

Today I have a guest post from the lovely Holly Ashby, who works at Will Williams MeditationLong-time readers may recall that Holly wrote a series of guest posts for me on the subject of meditation in 2015. I’m delighted to welcome her back once gain. In today’s post, she explains how meditation can increase our capacity for kindness and compassion, both for ourselves and for others.

Over to Holly…

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The Science Behind Meditation

Meditation has been practiced for thousands of years, and the positive effect it has on people’s lives and well-being has been evident for just as long. However, until recently it could never be proved conclusively that it is truly beneficial. Luckily, with the advent of scientific research, the conviction that it does you good can now be backed up with studies and data.

There are over 3000 studies on the benefits of meditation, and its impact on everything from stress to concentration has been researched. There are far too many findings to explore them all, so here I’ll focus on a few of the key areas in which science has illuminated exactly how meditation can help us.

Meditation Brain Continue reading “The Science Behind Meditation”

Meditation for Children and Young People – The Benefits

Today I’m delighted to bring you the second instalment of our meditation mini series by Holly Ashby. In this post, Holly discusses some of the key benefits of a regular meditation practice for children and young people.



When thinking about meditation, it’s easy to assume that it’s something only adults would benefit from. To a certain extent, most children are shielded from the stresses and strains of modern life that make it such a useful tool for adults. However, children aren’t completely immune from this stress and have their own unique worries. To help, meditation can be a great relaxation technique for children. Continue reading “Meditation for Children and Young People – The Benefits”

Health, Happiness and Meditation

As most of you will be aware, I am passionate about meditation. I’ve been attending weekly meditation classes for about seven years now, as well as practising alone at home and in the great outdoors. Since 2010, I’ve also been teaching children’s weekly meditation workshops. Along with the shift towards a 100% plant-based diet, meditation has definitely been key in raising my levels of physical and mental well-being these past few years.

Today, I am delighted to share a guest post from Holly Ashby who works for the London meditation centre, Will Williams Meditation. Holly is a super talented writer, and she’s kindly offered to write a mini introductory series on meditation for Bit of the Good Stuff. We’ll be posting one article per month for the next three months. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do

In today’s post, Holly is talking about some of the benefits of meditation.


by Holly Ashby

Continue reading “Health, Happiness and Meditation”