Chinese Egg-Fried Rice … Vegan Style!

In today’s post, I’m sharing a recipe for a Chinese “Egg-Fried” Rice that’s perfect for serving any night when you need a quick and easy meal on the table. Not only is it tasty, but it’s also packed full of nutritional goodness. It’s especially rich in protein, vitamins A, B and C, and an array of minerals. It’s also much lower in fat than traditional Chinese egg-fried rice and contains zero cholesterol.

And, most importantly, it’s cruelty free! No hens or chicks were harmed in the making of this meal!

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Creamy Vegan Mushroom Carbonara

Hi everyone! Today, I’m sharing a delicious vegan twist on the traditional pasta dish ‘Carbonara’. It’s really easy to make and takes just 20 minutes from start to finish, making it perfect for any night when you need a quick meal on the table.

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Vegan Doner Kebabs

Today I’m sharing my veganized version of the Turkish doner kebab. This kebab is one of my family’s favourite ‘easy weekend’ meals and we love tucking into them while we’re watching a movie, or sitting in the garden on a warm summer’s evening. The kebabs are highly versatile, so feel free to switch the filling components to suit your own personal tastes.

Doner kebabs are a popular fast food here in the UK. Traditionally, they are made with processed lamb meat, heavily seasoned with spices. Apparently it’s hard to tell what kind of meat is actually in the doner kebab, and tests by UK Trading Standards have revealed that doner meats sometimes contain a mix of animals, such as chicken, beef and pork.

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