Easy Vegan ‘Camembert Cheese’

Today, I’m delighted to be sharing a recipe for a delicious vegan camembert-style cheese. When I started food blogging back in 2011, I would never have dreamed that I would be sharing such a recipe but here we are, in 2019, where it’s pretty much possible to veganise anything!! Whether you avoid dairy for ethical, dietary or environmental reasons, this creamy, cashew-based cheese is more than a worthy substitute for traditional camembert. Not only does it taste amazing, but it also has a beautiful texture. As it bakes, it forms a skin on the outside, yet remains soft and gooey in the middle.

Unlike a lot of hand-made cheeses, this one is incredibly quick and easy to make. It takes just 10 minutes hands-on time and is ready to serve in half an hour. It’s also super cheap. I calculated that this cheese cost me just 65p to make, which is way cheaper than any vegan cheeses you’ll find in the shops. 

And while it feels like an indulgent treat, it’s actually good for you! It’s rich in heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, B vitamins and a whole host of minerals, including zinc, manganese, magnesium and iron. Unlike its dairy counterpart, this plant-based camembert contains zero cholesterol as well as significantly less saturated fat. Oh, and most importantly, it’s cruelty-free… no cows were harmed in the making of this cheese 🐮❤️ It’s a winner all round!

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Chinese Egg-Fried Rice … Vegan Style!

In today’s post, I’m sharing a recipe for a Chinese “Egg-Fried” Rice that’s perfect for serving any night when you need a quick and easy meal on the table. Not only is it tasty, but it’s also packed full of nutritional goodness. It’s especially rich in protein, vitamins A, B and C, and an array of minerals. It’s also much lower in fat than traditional Chinese egg-fried rice and contains zero cholesterol.

And, most importantly, it’s cruelty free! No hens or chicks were harmed in the making of this meal!

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Vegan Spanish Potato Omelette – Tortilla de Patatas

Hey dear friends! Today, I am delighted to be sharing one of personal favourite recipes with you – Spanish Omelette (Tortilla de Patatas). This is no ordinary omelette, however, as it’s 100% plant-based!! Yep, not a single egg in sight. In my pre-vegan days, Spanish Tortilla was a favourite comfort food of mine, but I love this vegan version even more. Not only is it delicious, it’s cruelty-free (no hens or chicks are harmed in the making of this omelette) AND healthier than the traditional version. It’s lower in fat, contains zero cholesterol, and is a rich source of plant proteins, B vitamins, vitamin C, and an array of minerals including potassium, magnesium, zinc and iron.

Healthy, tasty AND cruelty-free. A winner all round!

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Hearty Italian Bean Casserole

The clock’s have gone back, the evenings are drawing in, and the air is fresh and crisp. I love the beauty of the Autumn season; the changing colours of nature’s palate and crunching my way through piles of golden horse chestnut leaves. The cold and extra layers of clothing… I love less so; but I’m working on it. What makes the foray into the cold that much sweeter however, is the return home to a hearty, warming dinner.

In today’s post, I’m sharing a recipe for an Italian bean casserole that’s just perfect for the cold weather seasons. It’s hearty, warming and filling. It’s also packed with lots of immune-boosting nutrients to keep those pesky cold germs at bay.

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Curried Chickpea Smash Sandwich Filling

Hey lovely people! Today, I have a new, tasty sandwich filling for you. It’s creamy, crunchy, tangy and gently spiced with the flavours of India. It also happens to be packed full of nutrients. This is a sandwich filling that will leave you feeling full and energised. Just what you need to see you through a busy afternoon at work or school.

For most of his school life, Lucien has chosen to take a packed lunch. In the primary years especially, this encouraged me to get creative and ‘think outside the box’ as I couldn’t rely on traditional sandwich fillings like cheese or peanut butter. In fact, during his entire seven years of primary school, he didn’t take a single traditional sandwich in his lunchbox. Instead, we tended to fill his box with leftovers from the previous night’s dinner – fajita wraps, pizza slices, tofu frittata, roasted vegetable pasta, Moroccan couscous, chunky soups, and even leftover Moroccan tagine and sweet potato curry!

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Indian-Spiced Sweet Potato Fritters

In today’s post, I’m sharing a new plant-based recipe that my family has been loving lately… it’s the Indian-spiced Sweet Potato Fritter. These fritters are filled with simple ingredients – sweet potato, onion, chickpea flour and spinach – which also happen to be nutritional powerhouses, providing an array of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants ✨ The Indian spices used to flavour the fritters – cumin and garam masala – notch up their antioxidant potency even further.

Not only are they quick and easy to make, but they’re super cheap too! According to my calculations, it cost just £1.07 to make six fritters. That’s 18p per burger. Bargain!

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